How to Test Your Survey With dtect
  • 02 Jul 2024
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How to Test Your Survey With dtect

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Article summary

This article walks you through the process of testing your setup using dtect.

Once you've finished with all the steps necessary to start collecting responses, namely:

  1. Supply the survey with dtect redirect links.
  2. Add at least one supplier to dtect.
  3. Add the live/test survey entry links to dtect.
  4. Supply dtect live/test entry links to Suppliers.
  5. Adjust the security settings in dtect.
  6. Launch the project in dtect once approved.
  7. Notify the supplier to release sample.


It's time to test your setup to ensure respondents can successfully flow from the supplier, to dtect, to the survey, to dtect, and back to the supplier.

First, click "Show URLs" on the Supplier URL you want to test. In this case we're going to click Show URLs on "Counter Assault":

Choose "Show URLs" to view the dtect entry links:

Choose the Test Link while testing and use the Live Link when inserting into the supplier's survey link

The difference between the Test survey URL and the Live survey URL is that none of the security settings in dtect apply to you while using the Test survey URL. Another method of testing would be to disable all security checks in dtect, test using the live survey URL, then once you're done be sure to turn the security settings back on.

Open a new tab or window in your browser and paste in the copied entry link without hitting return. Now we need to adjust the survey link so dtect knows what our unique testing id is. Let's use this link as an example:{ID}&test=true
We need to update the bold part of the URL that is wrapped in {} which is {ID} in this case. The goal is to put in a new ID in the value so dtect will know who we are as we test.

This is the time you would add any additional identifiers that may need to be passed into dtect. Talk to your Customer Success Manager if you're interested in understanding how this would work.

Now that we've built the survey URL you can hit return to be taken to the URL we've built. Once you hit return, you're taken to the dtect respondent entry page which has respondents agree to dtect's terms of u (see hCaptcha for more information) if Advanced Fraud Detection is enabled.


After you agree, you'll be scored by dtect and if you pass based on the current security settings (or lack thereof) you will be redirected to the survey URL.

Once you're in the survey, check the URL bar and see what IDs and other variables have been passed into the survey. You should see an ID at minimum as this is the dtect ID that's generated for each respondent. This ID will NOT be the same as the supplier ID. The supplier ID is sent to dtect and stored there to later be used when redirecting respondents back to the supplier (with their supplier ID).

The dtect ID will look similar to this but will be completely unique for each respondent:

Now that you're in the survey and have noted the URL, complete the survey, either as a successful complete or a screen-out DQ. On survey completion you should be sent to dtect for a split second before being redirected to the supplier end page.

Warning - You may receive an error message on completion

In every case of testing, you will likely receive an error page on the supplier side. This is because the unique ID you're using to test (e.g. TEST1) is not a valid supplier ID so it shows the error page. This is ok because real respondents will have a valid ID and will be successfully accepted.

Check the URL of the end page, it should be correct based on the type of survey complete you were (complete or DQ) - either a successful redirect URL or a DQ redirect URL. For example, take this fake supplier's redirect URLs:

Over Quota:

If you tested as a successful survey complete, you should be ending on the Complete URL you input into dtect in the supplier settings. You can find these in the Supplier URLs section of the URL/Testing tab within any project.


The redirect URLs should be used to verify the finish page after testing the full survey flow from dtect, to the survey, back to dtect, annd finally to the supplier.

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