Understanding the Progress CSV Export
  • 30 Jul 2024
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Understanding the Progress CSV Export

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Article summary

The Progress export is a CSV file which gets exported when you choose "Export Report" from the Progress Page.

Once downloaded, open the file in Excel, Sheets, or Numbers to view the results.

Progress Export Data

The file contains the following columns:

Dtect IDThe ID dtect generated for the transaction
Participant IDThe supplier's unique identifier
Project Numberdtect generated project number for your account, starting at 1
Project NameUser generated name of the project
Supplier IDA dtect generated ID representing which supplier the transaction is from, the ID starts at 1 and increments
Supplier NameThe supplier's name
Survey StatusThe status of the respondent that comes from the survey redirect
Dtect StatusThe final dtect disposition status
Dtect Status DescriptionA description of the dtect status
Screener Entered AtThe GMT time the respondent entered dtect
Screener Exited AtThe GMT time the respondent exited dtect
Survey Exited AtThe GMT time the survey exited the survey
Length of InterviewHow many minutes the respondent spent in the survey
Unique RefA unique value which represents which supplier entry link was used
Entry Link Datacontains a JSON list of variables passed in the URL from the supplier to dtect
Advanced Fraud Detection ScoreThis score is generated when Advanced Fraud Detection is enabled on the project and represents how "trustworthy" the respondent is 0-100 based on our Advanced Fraud Detection calculations
Dtect Entry LinkThe link the respondent was sent to from the supplier to dtect (prior to the survey)
Survey Entry LinkThe link the respondent was sent to so they can complete the survey
Dtect Redirect LinkThe link the survey sent respondents to after finishing the survey
Supplier Redirect LinkThe link dtect sent respondents to at the end of the workflow
Is Billable?Is this a valid respondent or a test respondent?

Survey Status

completeSuccessfully finished the survey as a qualified complete and was redirected back to dtect
duplicateThis respondent has been seen before, either their device or IP address
security_terminateThis respondent was sent to the "security terminate" redirect within the survey
over_quotaThis respondent was sent to the "over quota" redirect within the survey
terminateThis respondent was sent to the regular terminate redirect in the survey

dtect Status

completeSuccessfully passed all of dtect's enabled security tests and was sent to the survey
terminateThis means we terminated the transaction for a reason other than security/duplicate/over_quota. These typically come from transactions who choose not to proceed for various reasons. See the "dtect Status Description" below, e.g. preflight not run and user chose to return
droppedThe user/transaction entered dtect but left before being sent to the survey or supplier.
duplicateThis user's fingerprint or IP address has already completed
over_quotaThis happens while the survey is paused/draft mode and if the quota stop has been reached
security_terminateThis status is used when the user fails one of the dtect security checks other than duplicate

dtect Status Description

dtect Status Descriptiondtect StatusDescription
advanced fraud detectionsecurity terminateThe Advanced Fraud Detection score did not meet the minimum threshold set in the Security tab
failed screenerterminateThe participant did not answer enough of the quality questions correctly to proceed based on the threshold set in your project's security settings
AI use detectedsecurity terminateThe AI open end question in the Quality Questions detected a paste so the participant was terminated
botnet protectionsecurity terminateRemoved due to botnet protection being enabled
locale locksecurity terminateTransaction is located outside one of the countries selected in project settings and locale lock is enabled in the security section of your project
duplicate deviceduplicateThis device has already been evaluated by dtect and duplicate device checking is enabled
duplicate IPduplicateThis IP address has already been evaluated by dtect and duplicate IP checking is enabled
duplicate IDsecurity terminateThe supplier ID has already been evaluated by dtect, you cannot disable this
quota stopover quotaThe project has a quota stop enabled in the project settings and the limit has been reached
project draftover quotaThe project is in draft mode
project pausedover quotaThe project is currently paused
project closedover quotaThe project is currently closed
supplier pausedover quotaThe supplier for this transaction has been paused, re-enable them to allow these transactions
supplier disabledover quotaThe supplier for this transaction has been disabled, re-enable them to allow these transactions
attempted retrysecurity terminateWe believe this user was trying to go through our prescreener again once they had already finished it.
user chose to returnterminateThe user has JavaScript disabled or is preventing the preflight check from running, the participant chose the option to return to the supplier rather than enabling the checks
missing device fingerprintsecurity terminateThe participant's device fingerprint is required but we could not retrieve it
missing IP addresssecurity terminateThe participant's IP address is missing
preflight not runsecurity terminateThe preflight check (initial check when they land on the page) has not run, so we rejected the participant as they could be tampering with the requests

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