Overview of the Security Marketplace
  • 16 Sep 2024
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Overview of the Security Marketplace

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Article summary

This article showcases and explains the Security Marketplace in the dtect platform.

What is Security Marketplace?

The dtect Security Marketplace is one required component of a project which gets set up while the project is initially being created. It can also be edited before, during, and after you start collecting real respondents. The Security Marketplace is currently made up of 2 potential packages of security features you can enable on your project.

  1. dtect Basic Security
  2. dtect Security Essentials

dtect Basic Security

dtect Security Essentials is a comprehensive security package that includes Advanced Fraud Detection to identify data quality risks, Locale Lock to restrict access to specified countries, and Botnet Protection with a prescreener to prevent botnet attacks and verify respondents' locations. These features collectively enhance the security and reliability of online surveys and data collection processes.

Features Available in dtect Basic Security

Duplicate Device: the Duplicate Device security feature detects and blocks respondents who attempt to enter multiple surveys using the same device with unique fingerprint ID. It utilizes advanced fingerprinting technology to create unique device identifiers and efficiently identifies duplicate responses.

Duplicate IP Address: a duplicate IP address refers to when two or more devices on a network share the same IP address simultaneously. This may be an indication of fraudulent or inaccurate responses. Enabling this feature safeguards against potential fraudulent or inaccurate responses.

dtect Security Essentials

dtect Security Essentials is a comprehensive security package that includes Advanced Fraud Detection to identify data quality risks, Locale Lock to restrict access to specified countries, and Botnet Protection with a prescreener to prevent botnet attacks and verify respondents' locations. These features collectively enhance the security and reliability of online surveys and data collection processes.

Features Available in dtect Security Essentials

Advanced Fraud Detection uses a combination of security tools to identify a variety of risk factors that could impact data quality. A slider allows you to adjust the level of security you desire based on your project details, for example, higher security on high Cost Per Interview and low Incidence Rate projects and lower security on low Cost Per Interview and high Incidence Rate projects.

Botnet Protection presents potential respondents with a brief, one question prescreener that asks participants to select nearby geographical landmarks/buildings to confirm they are using their computer in the location reflected by their IP address.

Locale Lock allows you to set a geofence around your projects that ensures participants from outside of your specified countries are unable to enter your survey. For example, a participant who lives in Brazil would not be able to enter a survey that is locale locked for participants in the United States and Canada.

For recommendations based on your specific circumstances, contact support@dtect.io.

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