Guide to Editing Redirects
  • 26 Jun 2024
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Guide to Editing Redirects

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Article summary

This article outlines the steps to edit redirect links on dtect, whether during supplier creation or after the supplier has been created.

If you notice any issues with the supplier's redirect links after confirming them during the creation process, you can follow these steps to make changes:

  • 🔓 Unlock the Redirect: Click on the lock icon next to each link. Clicking the lock icon allows the redirect to be edited.
  • ✏️ Edit the Redirect Link: Make the necessary changes to the redirect link.
  • ✅ Confirm the Changes: After making the changes, click on "Confirm" to save the edits.

If a variable name (panelist ID or project-specific variables) has changed, delete the placeholder including the {} and it will be replaced with a new placeholder during the variable setup process.

To edit the supplier redirect links after the supplier has been created, follow these steps:

Click on the supplier from the bottom of any page while viewing a specific project. For example:

Navigate to the Edit Option: Select the "Edit" option in the Redirect section at the bottom.

Make Desired Changes: On the "Update Supplier in Project" screen, make the desired changes to the redirect links. This may include changing a project specific variable or the actual URL.
It's important to note that any changes made to the redirect links will only affect the project where the change was made. No other projects will reflect these changes.

By following these steps, you can easily edit redirect links during supplier creation or after supplier creation to ensure accurate and efficient supplier redirects.

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