Understanding Advanced Fraud Detection
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Understanding Advanced Fraud Detection

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Article summary

dtect's Advanced Fraud Detection uses a combination of security tools to identify a variety of risk factors that could impact data quality. By integrating hCAPTCHA and fingerprinting technology, dtect provides a robust system for identifying and filtering out fraudulent respondents. This system assigns each participant a score from 0 to 100, representing the likelihood that they are a human (100) or a bot (0).

The score is then used to determine if the participant should be approved and allowed into the survey or denied access.

Editing Advanced Fraud Detection

Want to set the Advanced Fraud Detection score threshold for your project? Edit it in the Security Marketplace.

Overview of Advanced Fraud Detection

The Advanced Fraud Detection system is designed to enhance the security of surveys by accurately distinguishing between genuine human respondents and automated bots. This system employs a two-pronged approach, utilizing both hCAPTCHA and proprietary technology to achieve high accuracy in fraud detection.

hCAPTCHA Integration

hCAPTCHA is a widely recognized CAPTCHA service that challenges users with tasks that are easy for humans but difficult for bots. This ensures that only real human users can pass through the security screening.

  • Human Verification: hCAPTCHA presents tasks that require human cognitive abilities to solve, effectively blocking bots from proceeding.
  • User-Friendly: The tasks are designed to be quick and easy for genuine users, minimizing any disruption to the user experience.
  • Enhanced Security: By integrating hCAPTCHA, dtect adds an additional layer of security, significantly reducing the likelihood of bot-driven survey fraud.


Fingerprinting involves collecting various data points from a participant’s device and browser settings to create a unique "fingerprint." This fingerprint helps in identifying and tracking users across different sessions, ensuring consistency and authenticity.

  • Data Collection: Fingerprinting gathers information such as browser type, operating system, screen resolution, installed plugins, and more.
  • Unique Identification: The collected data points are combined to form a unique identifier for each participant, making it difficult for bots to masquerade as genuine users.

Participant Scoring System

Once the hCAPTCHA and fingerprinting processes are completed, each participant is assigned a score ranging from 0 to 100. This score represents the likelihood that the participant is a human (higher score) or a bot (lower score).

  • Scoring Criteria: The score is based on the results of the hCaptcha challenge and the consistency of the fingerprint data.
  • Score Interpretation:
    • 100: The participant is highly likely to be a human.
    • 0: The participant is highly likely to be a bot.
    • Intermediate Scores: Scores between 0 and 100 indicate varying degrees of confidence in the participant's authenticity.

Benefits of Advanced Fraud Detection
The integration of hCaptcha and fingerprinting technology in dtect's Advanced Fraud Detection system offers several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: By effectively identifying and blocking bots, the system ensures that only genuine human participants can access and complete surveys.
  • Improved Data Quality: Filtering out fraudulent respondents leads to higher quality and more reliable survey data.
  • User Confidence: The robust fraud detection mechanisms enhance the overall credibility and trustworthiness of the survey process.

Implementation Guidelines

To make the most of the Advanced Fraud Detection functionality:

  • Enable Advanced Fraud Detection in the Security Marketplace
  • Regularly Review Scores: Monitor participant scores in the dtect export regularly to identify any emerging patterns of fraud.
  • Adjust Thresholds: Customize the advanced fraud score thresholds based on the specific needs and risk tolerance of your surveys.

By leveraging dtect's Advanced Fraud Detection, you can ensure the authenticity of your survey participants, safeguarding the quality and integrity of your data collection. This sophisticated feature provides peace of mind by effectively combating survey fraud and enhancing the overall security of your surveys.

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